Big Pine Creek to Taboose Creek

We’ve previously been mucking around the foothills in this range but now finally diving into the heart of the High Sierra.

big-pine-taboose-1.jpg Starting off from Big Pine Creek Trailhead

big-pine-taboose-2.jpg Looking at the ridge from Norman Clyde Peak to Middle Palisade





big-pine-taboose-7.jpg Booting up South Fork Pass

big-pine-taboose-8.jpg Looking at the next part of the shoulder where we’ll be heading to the top of that prominent snow couloir on Bolton Brown’s Shoulder

big-pine-taboose-9.jpg Foreshadowing a lot more flats to come

big-pine-taboose-10.jpg Heading up the north ridge of Bolton Brown

big-pine-taboose-11.jpg Now looking at the next basin. A crazy snow year for the Sierra even for this time of year. The John Muir Trail goes through those woods and probably won’t even be hikeable for at least a couple more months.

big-pine-taboose-12.jpg Looking northwest where the JMT arcs left and drops off into the obscured drainage

big-pine-taboose-13.jpg Never seen so much white in my life - your eyes would be fried if you had no sunglasses. And very flat - a little over 5 continuous miles of flat skiing and my kneecaps were starting to ache a bit.

big-pine-taboose-14.jpg The final climb up to Taboose Pass

big-pine-taboose-15.jpg Unnamed but it looked cool

big-pine-taboose-16.jpg The descent from Taboose Pass was some of the best skiing of the traverse. Surprisingly, nothing really got goopy the entire day we were out.

big-pine-taboose-17.jpg A looot of debris at the very end though

big-pine-taboose-18.jpg Crazy seeing the power of some of the avalanches that ripped through here, rocks and trees strewn about

big-pine-taboose-19.jpg At a certain point you really can’t ski through it

big-pine-taboose-20.jpg The slides must have flowed at least as low as 7000’

big-pine-taboose-21.jpg Walking through a complete alpine desert after all of the eye-burning white terrain we covered earlier

big-pine-taboose-22.jpg A good feeling getting back to the car after around 5 miles of walking. We parked the Taboose Creek shuttle at around 4500’ before the dirt road got a little too bumpy.


  • This was probably ~24 miles and ~8200 feet of vertical gain in around 12 ½ hours.