Incredible Hulk
This day had a bit more bs than anticipated but what a great line - definitely need to come back to this area to ski the other lines in the Twin Lakes area.
Skinning through the marshes with the snow still low as 7400’ish albeit a little suncupped
Now entering the drainage looking towards Ice Lake Pass with the jagged Kettle Peak
The Incredible Hulk - we’d be ascending and descending the left couloir
Kettle Peak again with its couloirs a bit obscured
Top of the line waiting for the corn that never quite came with the funky weather and clouds
Dropping off the opposite SE side looks fun as well, would be fun to link up next time
Looking down the line; it started lightly snowing on our way down
Skiing down was a bit engaging with the inconsistent snow and firmer snow conditions, and also seeing the rocky runout
A bit circuitous getting back to the Robinson Creek Trail with all of the marshes and streams opening up.
- This was probably ~11 miles and 4500’ of vertical gain in around 7 ½ hours.
- We definitely should have done more research because we thought it was very simple topographically (and it was - you just have to cross Robinson Creek strategically; we crossed both too early and late).
- Would be fun to ski Kettle, Hulk Right, and the Matterhorn couloirs from the Twin Lakes campground, which is just a glorified RV park. There is some redtape to do anything in this area I believe.