Bloody Couloir

I’m definitely a sucker for road lines and this one in particular catches your eye pretty easily when driving across the Eastern Sierra.

bloody-couloir-1.jpg We’re definitely in between the period where you can skin the whole thing or drive surprisingly high up near Laurel Lakes, so a bit of skis on skis off today

bloody-couloir-2.jpg The line pictured above KJ - we skied skier’s left of both rock bands in the couloir

bloody-couloir-3.jpg Dealing with some undulating terrain and patchy snow. A couple ways up but we booted up the large shaded snow slope on the left to gain the final ridge.

bloody-couloir-4.jpg Weird rock formation

bloody-couloir-5.jpg Looking back at the town of Mammoth

bloody-couloir-6.jpg Looking at the Minarets far away

bloody-couloir-7.jpg Yeesh, definitely a bit overloved. This made for some interesting skiing given that we also dropped in slightly early on the firm side.

bloody-couloir-8.jpg But the souths were baking so hot that the snow got super mushy on this aspect; an interesting strategy pictured here versus postholing

bloody-couloir-9.jpg The White Mountains looking significantly less white than when we started our trip a couple weeks prior

bloody-couloir-10.jpg Probably around 9000 feet of vertical relief from the valley floor

bloody-couloir-11.jpg Red Slate Mountain, looks fun to ski but I know it’s trickier than it seems

bloody-couloir-12.jpg Glad we skied this when we did because it ended up ripping about a week after as seen in Cody Townsend’s video


  • This was probably ~11 miles and ~5500 feet of vertical gain in a little under 7 hours.
  • Would be fun to ski some of the other aspects of Bloody next time or link up with something else while you’re already here.