Mount Shasta West Face

Back on Shasta, but the funky weather continues.

shasta-1.jpg Avalanche Gulch very prominent under the Red Banks

shasta-2.jpg Ooo cool bumps

shasta-3.jpg Ants climbing a mole hill

shasta-4.jpg Big avy debris down the gulch, glad I’m not doing this line!

shasta-5.jpg Clouds starting to form...

shasta-6.jpg Just these massive nuclear clouds in person



shasta-9.jpg Shastina

shasta-10.jpg Looking down the west face. In hindsight, I probably should have started even later today with the clouds blocking the sun for corn.

shasta-11.jpg Looking back up the west face


  • This was probably ~12 miles and ~7200 feet of vertical gain in 5 ½ hours. I’m not one to be big on times, but I wonder if I could do Shasta roundtrip in 4 hours given that I made it up in 4 hours and took 1:30 to enjoy the summit and get down the west face, which required walking down the snowless Misery Hill, skinning to the top of the line, and taking skis off at times during the descent. I think 3:30 up and 30 down maybe could be within reason in the right conditions if I actually trained enough. I know that’s nowhere impressive in the grand scheme of things but it’d be fun for me.
  • Also a fun day next time would be doing the Avalanche Gulch (Trinity Chutes) then linking up the west face.