Little Tahoma

A solo repeat of the exact same outing from last year, except I actually got the pictures I wanted!

little-tahoma-1.jpg First view of Little and Big T

little-tahoma-2.jpg Now on the endless Frying Pan Glacier

little-tahoma-3.jpg Volcanic choss castle

little-tahoma-4.jpg The only views on this side of the mountain are the southern volcanos (Adams and Hood)


little-tahoma-6.jpg And St. Helens as you get higher

little-tahoma-7.jpg Gnarly

little-tahoma-8.jpg Armed with a 3x zoom on my phone camera now. If you squint hard enough you can see the little ants going up the upper mountain.

little-tahoma-9.jpg Camp at Ingraham Flats



little-tahoma-12.jpg Lower Emmons Glacier. This is definitely one of the top steep absolute-death drop offs that I can think of in that category; a near vertical 1700 foot wall if you look down while scrambling Little Tahoma.



little-tahoma-15.jpg More ants making their way up to Ingraham Flats

little-tahoma-16.jpg Last look back


  • This was probably ~16 miles and ~7300 feet of vertical gain in a little under 8 hours.