Ruth Mountain

Ruth Mountain may have the best scenery-to-effort ratio in the North Cascades. A smooth gravel road to Hannegan Pass Trailhead, followed by a nicely maintained trail, easy snow travel, and no crevasse shenanigans (season dependent obviously) - highly recommend as a type 1 kind of day.

ruth-1.jpg Our first view of Ruth Mountain along an easy trail

ruth-2.jpg Wrapped around and now heading up the long ridge

ruth-3.jpg Some tractionless walking on gentle mushy snow today

ruth-4.jpg Our first view of Baker

ruth-5.jpg The valley from whence we came


ruth-7.jpg What a stud

ruth-8.jpg Insanely broken up snow fields on Icy Peak

ruth-9.jpg Summit view looking at the entirety of Shuksan






ruth-15.jpg Deeeep valleys

ruth-16.jpg Redoubt

ruth-17.jpg Northern Pickets

ruth-18.jpg Southern Pickets


  • This was probably ~13 miles and ~4700 feet of vertical gain in a bit over 6 hours and change.