Ruth Mountain
Ruth Mountain may have the best scenery-to-effort ratio in the North Cascades. A smooth gravel road to Hannegan Pass Trailhead, followed by a nicely maintained trail, easy snow travel, and no crevasse shenanigans (season dependent obviously) - highly recommend as a type 1 kind of day.
Our first view of Ruth Mountain along an easy trail
Wrapped around and now heading up the long ridge
Some tractionless walking on gentle mushy snow today
Our first view of Baker
The valley from whence we came
What a stud
Insanely broken up snow fields on Icy Peak
Summit view looking at the entirety of Shuksan
Deeeep valleys
Northern Pickets
Southern Pickets
- This was probably ~13 miles and ~4700 feet of vertical gain in a bit over 6 hours and change.