Twin Sisters Traverse
Sometimes I feel like the Twin Sisters Range next to Mount Baker is often forgotten about. The red tape with the logging company land ownership adds a bit to the weirdness and mystery. Armed with mountain bikes, this turned into a great multi-sport adventure traversing from South Twin to North Twin.
And we’re off!
Getting the legs warmed up with 2000 feet of vert on the bike
The boring foothills of Whatcom County
Looking ahead at South Twin
And south towards the rest of the Twin Sisters Range
Class 3-4ish scrambling most of the way especially if you took the ridge proper
This range is comprised of olivine rock, so sharp and grippy that it cut my hands and pack up a little
Mount Baker is the only real view since this range is quite small and isolated
Totally glissade huckable
Getting off South Twin and crossing the glacier to get up North Twin
Going up North Twin
The rock was a touch more chossy here compared to South Twin
But just as fun and engaging
I don’t even know what class ratings mean anymore
Bit of techy downclimbing from the false summit of North Twin
One last look at Baker from the summit of North Twin
South Twin and the glacier we had to cross earlier
Zoom zoom back down on the stashed bikes
- This was probably ~19 miles and ~7200 feet of vertical gain, with 10 miles and 2000 feet of vert of that on the bike. A little over 13 hours total.
- We went from South to North Twin, but I imagine it goes both ways. Maybe the bike stashing is a little easier this way. The only thing that was techy was getting down the NE ridge of South Twin, which had some rockfall potential.
- You can take the whole ridge proper and not get cliffed out for South Twin, but that’s maybe not the case for North which had some false summits and sub-peaks.
- South also had bomber holds while North was a bit chossier.