Excelsior to Tomyhoi

Awesome ridge linkup starting at Excelsior Peak and ending with a fun scramble on Tomyhoi.

excelsior-tomyhoi-1.jpg Getting on Excelsior and getting to see this beast for the whole day

excelsior-tomyhoi-2.jpg Ol’ Mount Shuksan - a 7000 foot drop to the river drainage


excelsior-tomyhoi-4.jpg Shuksan and Baker in the same pic, 9125’ vs 10,773’

excelsior-tomyhoi-5.jpg Looking into some peaks in Canada (no idea what these are)

excelsior-tomyhoi-6.jpg Jack Mountain and the Pickets

excelsior-tomyhoi-7.jpg Redoubt

excelsior-tomyhoi-8.jpg Baby ptarmigans! Saw a bunch of them with their mama.

excelsior-tomyhoi-9.jpg The Border Peaks - the America/Canada boundary is somewhere in between the left and middle peaks (Canadian Border and American Border Peaks)


  • This was probably ~27 miles and ~9700 feet of vertical gain just over 10 hours.