Mount Shuksan Fischer Chimneys

A fun scramble route on one of Washington’s most iconic mountains. Although I think of Mount Shuksan as more of a skier’s mountain, I’ll happily settle for scrambling on it when it’s bone dry.

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-1.jpg Sunset on the classic view of Shuksan from the night prior

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-2.jpg I’m never not awed by the sight of a clear starry night sky

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-3.jpg Big group for a scramble today

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-4.jpg Receding glacier spilling out on the lower flanks of Shuksan

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-5.jpg The chimney section is basically this a couple of times

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-6.jpg Morning light on Baker

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-7.jpg Looking at the Border Peaks and a little bit into Canada

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-8.jpg Another group navigating the Upper Curtis Glacier opening up with patches of blue ice on top

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-9.jpg Looking back at the glacier we crossed

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-10.jpg Next up: Hell’s Highway

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-11.jpg A short section of steep

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-12.jpg Photo of me on the summit taken by a stranger

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-13.jpg Baker from the summit now

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-14.jpg Looking down at the Hanging Glacier

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-15.jpg Glaciers on all sides!

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-16.jpg Baker Lake


shuksan-fischer-chimneys-18.jpg The downclimb on Hells Highway

shuksan-fischer-chimneys-19.jpg Had to ditch the rest of the group to hastily get one of the guys home early


  • This was probably ~17 miles and ~7200 feet of vertical gain in a little over 17 ½ hours.
  • Do not do this with a group of seven lol. Moving quickly will probably make for a better day.
  • Lots of people rapping down the class 4 summit block and chimneys, so be wary as that might eat into your time. Honestly this route is a little over-trafficked so you’d need think about your tactics.
  • I think inadvertently did most of the southeast ridge only because the main gully had a ton of parties going down and it’s likely safer that way. There are lots of options to easily dial back the scrambling too.