Mount Shuksan Fischer Chimneys
A fun scramble route on one of Washington’s most iconic mountains. Although I think of Mount Shuksan as more of a skier’s mountain, I’ll happily settle for scrambling on it when it’s bone dry.
Sunset on the classic view of Shuksan from the night prior
I’m never not awed by the sight of a clear starry night sky
Big group for a scramble today
Receding glacier spilling out on the lower flanks of Shuksan
The chimney section is basically this a couple of times
Morning light on Baker
Looking at the Border Peaks and a little bit into Canada
Another group navigating the Upper Curtis Glacier opening up with patches of blue ice on top
Looking back at the glacier we crossed
Next up: Hell’s Highway
A short section of steep
Photo of me on the summit taken by a stranger
Baker from the summit now
Looking down at the Hanging Glacier
Glaciers on all sides!
Baker Lake
The downclimb on Hells Highway
Had to ditch the rest of the group to hastily get one of the guys home early
- This was probably ~17 miles and ~7200 feet of vertical gain in a little over 17 ½ hours.
- Do not do this with a group of seven lol. Moving quickly will probably make for a better day.
- Lots of people rapping down the class 4 summit block and chimneys, so be wary as that might eat into your time. Honestly this route is a little over-trafficked so you’d need think about your tactics.
- I think inadvertently did most of the southeast ridge only because the main gully had a ton of parties going down and it’s likely safer that way. There are lots of options to easily dial back the scrambling too.