Sourdough Mountain
I was originally going to note how unremarkable Sourdough Mountain is except for the fact that it casually rises almost 5000 feet from Diablo Lake below. I guess I do take some of the easy peaks for granted sometimes - but I still think the views from the road are unimpressive compared to other national parks.
I guess I didn’t technically go to Sourdough Mountain but the lookout instead
The turquoise Diablo Lake
The wall of Colonial and Colonial + Neve glaciers to its right. I need to check out this area more, all of these peaks kind of blend together.
Redoubt/Mox/Spickard group
Davis to McMillan Spires
Ross Lake obscured
The iconic Hozomeen
Man I really need to find a good way to see Jack Mountain unobscured from across the lake - would love to see what 7500 feet of vertical relief from the base looks like.
- This was probably ~10 miles and ~5100 feet of vertical gain in over 4 ½ hours.