Tatoosh Traverse
This traverse covers the ridge of peaks directly south of Rainier from Stevens to Eagle Peak. I don’t think I’d recommend this one lol, mainly because it was a lot of work for views that didn’t change all that much (although it was cool to see the angle of Rainier change a little bit going west to east).
Morning light on Rainier
The first peak of the day, Unicorn Peak
I never know how to judge climbing grades in this range, 5.easy I guess
Also starting above the clouds today. Hood very very faint in the back.
St. Helens
Now that’s a mountain! Glad we did Stevens Peak first because it’s far enough away from the other peaks where I would be very tempted to leave out if we went the other way.
Boundary Peak
Bench and Snow lakes (how many Snow Lakes are there in WA??) and the road behind
The meadows to Pinnacle Peak
A cramped shot of Rainier (14400 feet) and the Paradise Lot (5400 feet) below - a 9k difference! Cool seeing the Nisqually Glacier flowing down.
Pinnacle Peak
The fun way up the final Eagle Peak
Cool seeing the Nisqually drainage from this angle
The last view from Eagle Peak. All that work and it only looks to be a 35 angle difference in vantage point from Stevens Peak. Rainier really is massive.
- This was probably ~20 miles and ~10200 feet of vertical gain just shy of 13 ½ hours.