P3 Defiance Loop

The P3 Mount Defiance loop makes a rectangular shape on Strava I’ve come to recognize from everyone doing it over the years. A perfect low-stakes day for me and Haram as he prepares and crams some last minute vert for his upcoming race.

p3-defiance-1.jpg Starting low in the forest off Tinkham Road

p3-defiance-2.jpg Finally gaining the ridge to P3 after thousands of vert through no-views treeline. Classic I-90!

p3-defiance-3.jpg Waving hi to my friends who were going up Little Tahoma today

p3-defiance-4.jpg The most scrambling we’ll do this outing on the last section of P3 (Putrid Pete’s Peak)

p3-defiance-5.jpg Following the ridge to Mount Defiance now


p3-defiance-7.jpg Spring wildflowers

p3-defiance-8.jpg Man I wish Rainier was out


  • This was probably ~10 miles and ~4600 feet of vertical gain in around 5 hours.
  • I deeefinitely did not chicken out of swimming Mason Lake early.