P3 Defiance Loop
The P3 Mount Defiance loop makes a rectangular shape on Strava I’ve come to recognize from everyone doing it over the years. A perfect low-stakes day for me and Haram as he prepares and crams some last minute vert for his upcoming race.
Starting low in the forest off Tinkham Road
Finally gaining the ridge to P3 after thousands of vert through no-views treeline. Classic I-90!
Waving hi to my friends who were going up Little Tahoma today
The most scrambling we’ll do this outing on the last section of P3 (Putrid Pete’s Peak)
Following the ridge to Mount Defiance now
Spring wildflowers
Man I wish Rainier was out
- This was probably ~10 miles and ~4600 feet of vertical gain in around 5 hours.
- I deeefinitely did not chicken out of swimming Mason Lake early.