Capitol Peak
I’ve always wanted to do this ever since I saw the Mediocre Amateur video in what felt like another lifetime before the pandemic. I took the ridge direct, making it an extra long scramble 😋.
No idea what I’m looking at (Holy Cross Wilderness?), but I’m a sucker for sunrises nonetheless
Morning light on Capitol Peak.
I crossed that log.
The famed knife edge, which wasn’t bad at all compared to the rest of the route in my opinion
Looking down at Capitol Lake
Pyramid and Maroon group in the center out in the distance, Pierre Lakes in front, Snowmass right
Snowmass closer up, well the peak behind it that is
Satan’s Ridge that connects Capitol to Snowmass, and is probably one of the dumber, dangerous, and chossiest things you can do in Colorado
The Sound of Music type vibes
- This was probably ~17 miles and ~5800 feet of vertical gain just shy of 8 hours. 500 of those feet was me trying to find my helmet that I dropped just before the ridge climb on the Mount Daly saddle that I thought rolled all the way to the bottom of the basin.
- Learned that camping at the Capitol Lake is quite common, but this doesn’t seem like a crazy day and the mileage goes by pretty quickly.
- No surprises and less loose than expected. Knife edge was chill and the hardest climbing was probably getting up and down K2.