Capitol Peak

I’ve always wanted to do this ever since I saw the Mediocre Amateur video in what felt like another lifetime before the pandemic. I took the ridge direct, making it an extra long scramble 😋.

capitol-peak-1.jpg No idea what I’m looking at (Holy Cross Wilderness?), but I’m a sucker for sunrises nonetheless

capitol-peak-2.jpg Morning light on Capitol Peak. I crossed that log.

capitol-peak-3.jpg The famed knife edge, which wasn’t bad at all compared to the rest of the route in my opinion

capitol-peak-4.jpg Colors!

capitol-peak-5.jpg Looking down at Capitol Lake

capitol-peak-6.jpg Pyramid and Maroon group in the center out in the distance, Pierre Lakes in front, Snowmass right

capitol-peak-8.jpg Snowmass closer up, well the peak behind it that is

capitol-peak-9.jpg Satan’s Ridge that connects Capitol to Snowmass, and is probably one of the dumber, dangerous, and chossiest things you can do in Colorado

capitol-peak-10.jpg The Sound of Music type vibes


  • This was probably ~17 miles and ~5800 feet of vertical gain just shy of 8 hours. 500 of those feet was me trying to find my helmet that I dropped just before the ridge climb on the Mount Daly saddle that I thought rolled all the way to the bottom of the basin.
  • Learned that camping at the Capitol Lake is quite common, but this doesn’t seem like a crazy day and the mileage goes by pretty quickly.
  • No surprises and less loose than expected. Knife edge was chill and the hardest climbing was probably getting up and down K2.