Mount Sneffels
What a fun name for a mountain! Mount Sneffels stands tall among its neighbors and it really does catch your eye driving south towards Ridgway. This is the outing where I really learn Colorado is a pay to win state and I won’t apologize for saying that 😤. Beeeautiful views though.
Teakettle (tall), Coffeepot (above Jeep), Potosi (cut off). I parked and started about ~1600 feet below where this Jeep is 😠.
Pay to win I tell you!
All of the non-14er peaks looks so much cooler and more imposing
Sneffels looks lame in comparison - the SW ridge starts behind the needles
Looking at Kismet from the summit of Sneffels, now you can see Potosi in the background in full view. Dang those peaks look chossy to climb.
Looking down at Yankee Boy Basin - really learning now that you need greenery to get the views to pop! That was definitely missing from the colorless peaks we’ve seen in Colorado earlier.
Looking at the SW ridge with Telluride Ski Resort behind
Looking more due west down into the numerously named Blue Lakes
It was hard to capture on my phone camera but the flowers and foliage were popping off!
Potosi Peak
- This was probably ~8 miles and ~3400 feet of vertical gain in a little under 4 hours. I started at the lowermost trailhead at 10800 feet but you can drive as high as 12500 feet.
- Nothing notable about the southwest ridge, and the scree skiing down the standard route was not that bad.
- I think the takeaway is that all of the other peaks around here look so much cooler to explore!