Teebone Ridge to Little Devil Peak
A scenic loop to see soak in the fall colors and perhaps the impetus/rebirth of this very website!
Some words, mostly pictures
A scenic loop to see soak in the fall colors and perhaps the impetus/rebirth of this very website!
Knocking out the fourth and last of the so called Great Fourtneer Traverses, and my last outing in Colorado this year.
I’ve always wondered what kind of outing I’d be capable of off the couch, and on this day I really paid for it trying to attempt two classic steep ski lines on Mount Baker.
A lot of sentimental value coming back here as the Wasatch were my first “real” mountains I saw up close, and where I learned to really ski, which is probably responsible for this whole phase of my life. I wanted to write an entry for each outing I did in Utah but frankly I didn’t have that many pictures that I felt were all that scenic, so combining all of the pictures into one post with a bit of thoughts at the end.